Balochistan Water Resources Development Project BWRDP
The dureation of this project is May,2017 - January,2018. In the water starved, land rich Province of Balochistan, any initiative for development of water resources certainly deserves top priority. Government of Balochistan (GoB) in collaboration with Asian Development Bank (ADB) has envisioned a Balochistan Water Resources Development Project (BWRDP) comprising rapid assessment of five river basins namely, Dasht, Hingol, Mula, Pishin and Zhob and selecting two river basins for further detailed study. Based on the pre-feasibility study and initial engineering design, sub-projects shall be proposed, and out of these two, core sub-projects will be selected for Feasibility and Engineering design. ADB selected the Techno-Consult International Pvt. Ltd. to provide consultancy services for the Project Preparatory Technical Assistance (PPTA) to facilitate the GoB.
Initially, four river basins of Balochistan, namely, Dasht, Hingol, Kacchi, and Zhob were indicated. During the tripartite deliberations held on 7-8 March, 2016; Quetta, it was decided to replace Kacchi by Mula River Basin; and add Pishin River Basin for a rapid assessment. Accordingly, the PPTA comprised of Dasht, Hingol, Mula, Pishin, and Zhob River Basins. After the rapid assessment of above-mentioned four river basins on the basis of following criteria, two river basins Zhob and Mula has been selected for detailed feasibility: Population; Cultivated Area; Non-Utilized Water Potential; Completed Projects in Basins; Proposed Projects in Basins; Social Acceptance; Security; Growth Pattern.
Detailed description of actual services provided by NEC:
NEC Conduct Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) of Selected Schemes in Mula River Basin and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Sri Toi Storage Dam Site in Zhob River Basin.